Friday, April 24, 2009

Thank You Perez For Not Being My Gay Voice!

I avoid television, I have made this perfectly clear via my online social groups and when friends talk about the latest reality TV show! However...I heard Anderson Cooper was doing a piece on a Greek Island where the importance of legumes in a healthy diet was discussed. As many of my friends know I have been on a bean, low-carb, virtually meatless diet. It has worked by the way, my skinny jeans are almost baggy...well, wishful thinking, Ok. Anyway I found Gloria Venderbilt's son on, found the episode and waited to see the piece on Greek beans. Before that however an ugly head was reared. Namely Perez Hilton's. Someone chose him to be the judge, a judge, on the Miss America Pageant.

As a child I remember the Miss America Pageant on TV, it was in September, not April, and it was not a time nor a place to air political grievances. I do not think in my childhood the Misses of the States were questioned about their stance on Oliver North, nor the first Iraq War, nor anything of importance. I recall a lot of calls for "peace," plates spinning, ventriloquism, swimsuits, an end to world hunger, and the like. However, Miss California when questioned by Perez was not asked about her stance on fur, her stance on global warming or the like; she was asked about gay marriage. Before I even heard the response I put my head in my hands.

She is inarticulate as she claimed she believes in "opposite marriage," meaning when opposite sexes get married. She is unaware of the issues, as her response about having the choice to vote yes or no for gay marriage seemed to imply that we have the choice in this country to actually get married. In sum, she is a conservative and believes in the so-called "Biblical view of marriage." She said she did not wish to offend anybody, which is always a hallmark of someone setting out to offend you or at least rock the boat, before or during her answer.

Her response was what I expected, sadly. Her response was however received by the audience with an overwhelming swell of applause. They - to facebook it - gave her a profound thumbs up. Perez did not. Then, of course, it became or has become a battle between the uncrowned Miss California and the...crowned Perez. While she responded against gay marriage with a polite, if predictable air, Perez was up to his old tricks again calling her a "Bitch."

Really...a bitch? Is he aware that the audience behind him seemed to support Miss California in her support of Proposition 8? Is he aware that "our candidates," both Barack and Hillary when pressed about the issue did not support gay marriage out right? Is he aware that the term MARRIAGE is really what is scaring these people off from allowing same-sex unions? I repeat this over and over and over again, but now I am putting it into words! To my homosexual and lesbian comrades: STOP SAYING MARRIAGE, START SAYING CIVIL UNION! A MARRIAGE IS SOMETHING THAT TAKES PLACE IN A CHURCH. CHRISTIANS AND CONSERVATIVES ARE AFRAID THAT BY ALLOWING GAY MARRIAGE CHURCHES THAT OPPOSE GAY MARRIAGE WILL HAVE TO - UNDER THREAT OF PROSECUTION - MARRY GAY COUPLES! Ahem, that's all I have to say about the MARRIAGE debacle!

In terms of Miss California: this is a free country; you have your right to express your freedom of speech; in a way I appreciate your honesty. As we are a pluralistic society we can agree to disagree. She is - despite being uncrowned - the darling of the conservative forces, and we can thank Perez Hilton for that! She will doubtlessly get a great job working for a Christian or otherwise Conservative coalition.
In terms of Perez: we know you support same-sex marriage; we know you hate conservatives; we know that you are a celebrity who really likes to goad and irritate people that do not share your views. As we are a pluralistic society, endowed with the very freedom of speech that allows you to have your blog, YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO CALL THE WOMAN A BITCH IN YOUR VIDEO BLOG!

While Miss California will be celebrated by the Conservatives in this country Perez, your uncalled for, insulting remark will also make you a darling of the Conservatives too. You know why? Because by rearing head you make us look bad. You make me look bad, you make gay CIVIL UNIONS LOOK BAD, you make my gay friends look bad, you make US look bad, you make the states that allow same-sex unions look bad, and you make liberal - or at least gay-friendly - people look bad too! Thank you Perez for that remark, for condemning Miss California's freedom of speech by calling her a bitch, surely this makes you a gay hero...not! In sum, I encourage, request, and hope the gay people reading this blog will stop visiting your website and realize that freedom of speech -whether we support that particular issue or not - is what allowed the strives we as gay people have made to take place. So Perez, I always thought you were terrible but after this last incident I want to thank you for confirming that you are not my gay voice!